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Terms & Conditions



Photography Policy

We take photographs during our sessions, which may or may not include your children. These photographs may be used for marketing purposes. When completing the enrolment form, please advise whether or not you consent to us posting photos of your child/ren to our social media pages including Instagram,  Facebook and our website. We will NEVER disclose personal details, such as names or personal contact information on our social media pages. 


Damaged Clothing

KIN Surf Coast programs are all about getting messy. Please ensure that your child is dressed in clothing that you don't mind getting stained or damaged, as most sessions will involve lots of messy play with mud, clay and other natural materials. KIN Surf Coast takes no responsibility for damaged clothing.


Supervision Disclaimer 

Where parent/guardian attendance is required,  you agree and understand that you are responsible for the safety and well being of your child/ren for the entire duration of these sessions.



KIN Surf Coast takes every precaution to ensure the safety of its participants. Parents/guardians must understand that there is a level of risk associated with the activities run by KIN Surf Coast and should only choose to participate if they themselves or their children are capable of such activities. As a participant of KIn Surf Coast, you acknowledge the risk of injury and any unforeseeable circumstance such as falls, cuts, bruises, snake or insect bites or serious injury. 


- KIn Surf Coast may revise these terms and conditions from time to time. 

- Kin Surf Coast uses hand tools, children and adults will have access to these tools in some programs. 

- KIN Surf Coast has the right to refuse service to any persons at anytime. 

- Please ensure that all information provided, at the time of booking a program is true and correct and all questions boxes are read and answered to the best of your knowledge.


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